Sunday, August 23, 2009

FemVigor: The Reliable and Natural Solution to All Female Sexual Problems!!

Every person has ups and downs in life. It depends on you how you handle the things. The same is the case with sexual problems which are getting prevalent among large population of men and women. Men suffers from a number of sexual issues including impotence, low libido, premature ejaculation, small penis size, low sperm count etc. Likewise women experiences sexual disorders such as low libido, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse etc.

All the above symptoms in women are categorized under Female Sexual Dysfunctions (FSD). Though numerous medications are available in the market to curb these sexual disorders but not all are effective. Few of them have adverse secondary side-effects which results in certain other health ailments. Thus always opt for a medication that doesn’t involve any further health complications and that is possible only with herbal supplements.

Herbal supplements are a better and safe option for treating sexual dysfunctions. The advantages associated with these supplements are as follow:

• Herbal supplements are completely safe with NO side-effects
• Herbal supplements are reasonable as compared to other medications
• Herbal supplement give permanent results

Among several herbal supplement, one which is gaining popularity is FemVigorTM. It is a non-prescription remedy fro curbing FSD including vaginal dryness, low libido, painful intercourse, orgasms problems etc. It improves overall reproductive function of a woman and enables you to have a rocking sexual life. FemVigorTM is a trusted herbal medication which doesn’t cause any side-effects. It has ample of other benefits which you can know by referring to its official website,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Treatments for Female Sexual Dysfunction associated with Hormonal Imbalance!!

Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) is characterized by low libido, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness and orgasm problem. It is caused by a number of factors including certain illnesses, injury, menopause, pregnancy, and hormonal imbalance. Hormonal changes play a vital role in regulating sexual desire of women.

However there are certain medical treatments available to cure female sexual dysfunction associated with hormonal imbalance:

Estrogen Therapy: - This therapy can be applied in the form of vaginal cream, ring or tablet. Estrogen is a hormone present in women body regulating sexual functions. Estrogen therapy helps in enhancing vaginal blood flow, lubrication, elasticity. Furthermore it boost brain function and mood factors that regulates sexual response in women

Androgen Therapy: - Androgen therapy involves male hormones such as testosterone. Some women suffer from sexual dysfunctions due to the presence of low testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone that regulates sexual function in both men and women. In androgen therapy, testosterone may be applied in the form of cream, pill, injection and gel patch to your skin.

However testosterone therapy is associated with certain side-effects such as clitoris enlargement, excess body hair, mood or personality changes and acne.

Progestin Therapy: - Studies revealed that some women experience an increase in their sexual desire and vaginal blood flow after consuming progestin in addition to estrogen. However some women experience decline in their sexual functions. Progestin is mainly given to the patient to balance estrogen’s effects on the uterus.

All these therapies proved to be helpful for those women who experience sexual problems due to hormonal changes. However for rest of the women, it doesn’t work well. Thus it is better to look for a remedy which benefits you in curbing all the symptoms of female sexual dysfunction i.e. FemVigor.

FemVigor enhances your sexual desire, prevents vaginal dryness and gives you multiple orgasms. This natural supplement is made up of all effective ingredients which possess sexual enhancement properties. To know more about this complete reproductive health remedy of women, visit

Friday, August 7, 2009

FemVigor: A Safe and Effective Formulation for Female Sexual Dysfunction

FemVigor is today’s woman sexual enhancement product. It is especially designed to curb all the sexual issues faced by females i.e. low libido, vaginal dryness, arousal problem, painful intercourse etc. All the above sexual issues together termed as female sexual dysfunction (FSD). Almost every woman suffers from some sexual problem once in their life time. Thus to get rid of these sexual dysfunctions, VitoPharma has formulated FemVigor which consist of useful herbs with sexual enhancement properties i.e.

Pyridoxine HCL (10mg):

Function: - It is also known as Vitamin B6. Pyridoxine HCL plays a vital role in nerve and muscle growth and digestion.

L-Arginine (50 mg):

Functions: - L-Arginine is an amino acid that gets converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide thus mediates sexual response and cause sexual arousal. It also helps to improve circulation of blood towards all the tissues throughout the body. It possess sexual enhancement properties which will be highly beneficial for females

Asparagus adscendens (75 mg):
Popular names: - Safed Musali, Shwet Musali

Functions: - This herb possesses strong aphrodisiacal property which enhances libido in women. It is most commonly called as “Safed Musli”

Abelmoschus moschatus (Hibiscus Abelmoschus) (75 mg):
Common names: - Musk Mallow, Ornamental Okra, Yorka Okra, Ambrette Seeds, Annual Hibiscus, Galu Gasturi, Bamia Moschata

Functions: - This herb greatly enhances the circulation of blood towards vagina thus giving intense pleasure during sex. It helps in the production of mucus from vaginal lining. Abelmoschus increases sexual stamina and libido in women.

Anacyclus pyrethrum (75 mg):

Common name: Mount Atlas daisy

Functions: This herb is also known as “Akarkara” which is used for strengthening reproductive system. Anacyclus pyrethrum enhances sexual desire and stamina.

Sida Cordifolia (125 mg):

Common names: Bala, Country Mallow

Functions: This herb possesses aphrodisiacal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Sida Cordifolia acts as a hormone balancer thereby increasing sexual stamina and desire. It provides a complete relief from anxiety and thus helps in the proper functioning of central nervous system.

All the above mentioned herbs of FemVigor are free from side-effects and help you to get rid of low libido, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, arousal problem all together.