Friday, April 30, 2010

Diet Enhancing Female Libido!!

Female libido loss is one of the major problems getting prevalent among women round the world. Modern lifestyle exerts enormous pressure on women causing low libido problem. A lot more things can also have a negative effect on female libido i.e.

• Psychological disorders
• Physical health
• Premenstrual syndrome
• Unhealthy diet
• Diseases
• Medical drugs

All the above mentioned factors are female libido killers. However you can improve your libido by making certain changes to your dietary intake i.e. various food items acts as an excellent libido enhancers-

Food Items

Fruits, vegetables and meat: - most of the fruits are beneficial in improving female libido especially bananas. Lean meat and green vegetables are also useful in increasing libido.

Food rich in zinc: - Intake of food items which are rich in zinc like sesame seeds brown rice, poultry, oysters and some seafood such as scallops, crabs, and mussels will be beneficial in enhancing libido

Omega 3and 6:- These essential ingredients have high levels of phystoestrogens that enhances libido levels in females and reduces complications associated with menopause


Vitamin A: - It is vital to increase the levels of progesterone hormone that is associated with improved sexual urge and power to stay active for a longer time.
Vitamin B1:- It boost low libido caused due to stress and exhaustion
Vitamin C: - It helps in the production of progesterone, androgen and estrogen hormones which are associated with enhancing desire to have sex
Vitamin E: - It is beneficial in increasing energy levels in the body.
Vitamin B5 and B6:- These vitamins increases female libido by reducing stress

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vaginal Dryness: Risk Factors and Treatment!!

Women now a days suffers from certain sexual problems because of their unhealthy eating habits, hectic work schedule and lifestyle, stress etc. All these sexual problems are collectively termed as Female sexual dysfunctions. Female sexual dysfunctions include low libido, vaginal dryness, orgasmic disorder and painful intercourse.

Low libido is the most common among all. However vaginal dryness is mainly found in women with menopause. In fact over half of the women between the age group 40-59 experiences vaginal dryness at some point of time. Thus it may affects the libido and results in painful intercourse.

The female sexual disorder “vaginal dryness” may be caused by certain factors like:
• Menopause: - during which the level of estrogen declines causing thinning and dryness of vaginal wall.
• Poor sexual arousal
• Emotional issues i.e. stress, depression etc
• Relationship problems
• Medical conditions i.e. sjogrens disease

Furthermore all the sexual problems are almost interrelated. If a woman suffers from low libido, she can’t get properly aroused and thus experiences vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. Thus it is better to opt for a female sexual enhancement remedy that curbs all sexual disorders thereby improving overall sexual functions. FemVigor is one such sexual enhancement remedy that is designed to end all female sexual issues including low libido, vaginal dryness, orgasmic disorder, painful intercourse etc. Being an herbal female sexual enhancement remedy, FemVigor is completely safe and has fatal side-effects. Endorsed with 90 days money back guarantee, FemVigor is a reliable and reasonable female sexual enhancement remedy. To know more about this miraculous remedy visit,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Orgasmic Disorder: Causes and the Most Effective Treatment!!

Today’s sedentary lifestyle, busy work schedule, unhealthy eating habits made females suffer from a number of sexual problems including orgasmic disorder. In clinical terms orgasmic disorder is defined as following:
• Recurrent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal excitement phase
• The health condition causing distress and interpersonal difficulties
• The health condition which results as a side-effect of certain medication

Female orgasmic disorder can be caused by both physiological and psychological factors-

Physiological Factors:-• Damaged blood vessels of the pelvic region
• Damaged nerves of the pelvic region
• Spinal cord lesions
• Drug abuse and side-effects like antipsychotics, antidepressants, narcotics
• Clitoris removal

Psychological factors:-
• Fear of not performing well in the bed
• Fear of rejection by the partner
• Fear of pregnancy
• Emotional abuse
• Past sexual abuse or any traumatic experience
• Relationship problems
• Stress, anxiety and depression
• Religious or cultural belief about sex

If you are experiencing orgasmic disorder you must visit a sex therapist and should opt for appropriate treatment i.e. couples therapy, talk therapy etc. However if you are not willing to go for a therapy you can try certain natural female sexual enhancement supplement like FemVigor. This natural sexual enhancement supplement boosts your sexual functions and overcome your sexual inhibitions including orgasmic disorder, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse and low libido. It is a complete sexual enhancement remedy which improves overall reproductive functions. FemVigor curb female sexual dysfunction naturally and permanently. Being an herbal supplement, it is 100% safe and has no nasty side-effects. To know more about this amazing female sexual enhancement supplement, visit