Women experience low libido especially after menopause. Women undergo hormonal changes during
menopause which causes a drop in estrogen levels that affects sex drive in
women and also results in vaginal dryness makes intercourse extremely painful. However,
there are proven libido enhancers for women which help in increasing their sex
drive and relieve them of vaginal dryness.
supplements for women contain herbs that have been used since
centuries to overcome this sexual problem both in men and women. These sex enhancing supplements can help
women enjoy a more satisfying and pleasurable sex. The herbs in these libido
boosting supplements helps increase blood flow to the genitals that helps engorgement
of the clitoris and also helps achieve hormonal balance. These herbs also relieve symptoms of menopause;
increase the estrogen levels, helps production of nitric oxide that helps blood
vessels to expand for the blood flow to increase in the genital area.