Thursday, December 24, 2015

The most common causes of Low Libido in Women

As women near middle age they experience a drop in their sex drive.  There are many reasons for it but the common cause is the emotional factor as state of a woman’s mental being plays an important role in their sex drive.  Anxiety, stress, depression, marital discord is some of the reasons why women lose their interest in sex.

Women are so busy with their daily chores, office work that they have no time to look after their body.  They have just no time to exercise or even go for a jog and eat healthy.  Unhealthy diet and lack of exercise can also affect your libido adversely.  Sometimes hormonal changes can also affect the sex drive in a woman.  When a woman reaches menopause the sex hormones mainly estrogen drops and this lowers your sex drive as well as vaginal dryness which make intercourse painful.

Herbal libido enhancing supplements help increase your sex drive naturally as these supplements are formulated using potent herbs that increase blood flow to the genitals, increases production of estrogen and also reduces stress without causing any side effects.