Most women during their middle age experience a drop in their sex drive or libido and there are many reasons for the same. If a woman is emotionally affected, be it stress, depression, relationship issues, etc. it affects her mental wellbeing and she tends to lose interest in sex. When a woman is so busy with her household chores, office work and handling the kids, she has no time to look after herself; she cannot exercise or workout and cannot even going for a walk is difficult because of lack of time. Because of the stress they do not eat healthy and improper diet can affect the sex drive.
Menopause also affects a woman’s libido as the production of sex
hormones, particularly, estrogen, drops during this period. This not only
lowers sex drive and libido but also leads to vaginal
dryness which makes intercourse extremely painful.
The best way to increase your sex drive naturally is with the
help of herbal libido enhancing supplements which are packed with potent herbs
and other essential nutrients that not only increase blood flow to the genitals
which is one of the prime reasons behind reduced libido in women but also
reduces stress and increase production of estrogen without any side-effects. If you want to boost your libido take an effective
herbal supplement –