Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Female Impotence - Now Stop Impotence and get Better Orgasms and increased libido…

Female impotence is a term used to describe difficulties in having sexual desire, enjoying sex, being adequately aroused or having an orgasm. When a woman finds it difficult to get sexually aroused or is not able to achieve an orgasm, she is said to be experiencing impotence. One type of female impotence is analogous to male impotence and may be caused by decreased blood flow to the clitoris during sexual intercourse.

Women are generally very reserved when it comes to discussing their sexual problems. These reservations often lead many women around the world to suffer from numerous sexual disorders like vaginal dryness, lack of libido, etc. Vaginal dryness is one of the most common amongst these and the worst thing about this problem is the discomfort that arises due to it. Vaginal dryness brings with itself a myriad of emotions ranging from frustration, depression and in severe cases even phobia of sex. The cause of female sexual dysfunction is usually multi-factorial. Some of the major causes are depression, pregnancies, alcoholism, drug usage, and menopause. Alcoholism and drinking is another common factor that can cause low libido in women.

Female libido enhancers developed specifically for women are great for increasing a woman's sex drive. The ingredients used in making female libido enhancers work only for women and are completely harmless for women seeking to increase their sex drive. Women with desire and arousal problems often turn to herbal preparations for relief. One such medication that is gaining popularity is FemVigor. FemVigor is a natural herbal treatment that encourages blood flow and relaxes muscles which promotes an improved libido allowing a more vigorous sexual response. It can also be used by women who already have a good sex life in order to increase sensations and climaxes. For more details on this herbal supplement - visit the website -


  1. But I still believe that men are more prone to impotence than women. Though this is still great post!

    Stop impotence

  2. We are simply slaves to our base emotions and those emotions can be particularly overwhelming at times which can really put us in a bad mood.

    female sexual enhancer
