Sunday, October 4, 2009

Female Sexual Dysfunction: Non medical Treatment!!

Today’s market is flooded with the medications for men and female sexual dysfunctions including surgeries, pills and creams. However some people even today prefer non medical treatments for curbing sexual problems. Here given below are the non-medical treatments for female sexual dysfunction:

Open communication

For a healthy sexual life, it is necessary to have an open and honest communication among both the partners regarding sex and sexual problems. You can avoid many relationship problems and misunderstanding by discussing the matter openly among each other.

Practice healthy lifestyle habits:

Avoid bad practices like alcoholism and smoking. Smoking restricts the circulation of blood throughout your body thereby reducing the amount of blood reaching sexual organs. As a result sexual responses may get affected. In order to increase your sexual response, mood and stamina you should start aerobic exercises. Don’t forget to relax also.

Strengthen pelvic muscles:

With the help of pelvic muscle exercises you can combat some arousal and orgasm problems. Pelvic muscle exercises strengthen the muscles which are involved in pleasurable sexual sensation. This exercise can be performed by tightening your pelvic muscles as if you are stopping your stream of urine. Repeat this exercise for 10-20 rounds.

Seek counseling:

You can also take help of a counselor or therapist specialized in sexual and relationship problems. These therapies often include educating people about normal sexual responses, ways to enhance their intimacy, reading material for couple’s exercises.

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