Low Libido in women is extremely common and can occur at any age. This is often accompanied by vaginal dryness and painful sexual intercourse. But few women do something about it. Hormonal changes occur at sometime or the other in every woman. If levels in hormones - estrogen and testosterone are low, then libido drops, vaginal dryness increases and sex becomes very painful. Low Libido is caused by a lack of sex drive in the woman's hormones. This interferes with the sexual anxiety and performance of a woman. Decreased libido in women can be a result of various factors such as increased stress levels, fatigue, relationship problems.
The foundation of good sexual health is strong blood circulation to and into the sex organs and if you have sluggish blood circulation, you simply won't enjoy satisfying sex, because the sex organs must swell quickly with blood. Hormonal changes, stress, anxiety and a general low mood drops body energy and you simply won't be in the mood for sex.
Though this can be very distressing, the good news is that low libido in women can be rejuvenated with a combination of time tested herbs. Herbal remedies not only gives your libido a boost but also improves overall wellness too, so you get more from sex and more from life.
FemVigor is a female sexual enhancement remedy that is designed to put an end to all female sexual related problems including low libido, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse etc. Being an herbal in nature, it is completely safe and has no side-effects. FemVigor is also very effective. To know more about this amazing herbal remedy please visit us at ..... www.femvigor.com
after i got a low libido due to stress and work i take up a female libido enhancer its WYLD Woman and it fires up your body and mind giving you increased sexual desire and sustained energy, helping you balance the demands that life throws at you.