Sunday, September 30, 2018

Why women experience low sex drive

There are a number of reasons why many women experience low sex drive and can be caused due to many physical problems. The most severe medical issues are the ones that affect the nervous system or cause nerve damage, such as diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, and stroke and all this can result in low sex drive.  Any type of hormonal imbalance will also affect sex drive as hormones play an important role in sexual drive. Women who pregnant or are nearing or experiencing menopause,  or who have had a full or partial hysterectomy, may experience low sex drive, as a result of changing levels of the hormones estrogen and prolactin.  Certain medications, such as the birth control pills, blood-pressure pills, and anti-depressants, can cause hormonal imbalance and low libido. Levels of testosterone decline in women with age which also can affect a woman’s sex drive. 

Excess weight and leading sedentary lifestyles are other common causes of low sexual desire. Being obese can cause many physical problems; a woman feels tired, depressed, insecure and also have an effect on breathing and the heart. For some women, low sex drive is due to a psychological or emotional issue the moist common being stress like relationship problems, anxiety, financial problems etc.     If there is poor blood circulation and there is no proper flow in the genital area, then it will result in low libido, no sexual arousal and painful intercourse.

While there are several medical options available, natural ways to increase and help improve low sex drive are safe and effective ways to overcome this problem.  Regular exercising, having a healthy diet and taking a   herbal supplement will improve your mood and libido as well as  overall health safely and effectively.

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